Information Extraction in Semantic,
Highly-Structured, and Semi-Structured
Web Sources
Víctor M. Alonso-Rorís, Juan M. Santos Gago, Roberto Pérez Rodríguez, Carlos Rivas Costa,
Miguel A. Gómez Carballa, and Luis Anido Rifón
Abstract—The evolution of the Web from the original proposal
made in 1989 can be considered one of the most revolutionary
technological changes in centuries. During the past 25 years the
Web has evolved from a static version to a fully dynamic and
interoperable intelligent ecosystem. The amount of data produced
during these few decades is enormous. New applications,
developed by individual developers or small companies, can take
advantage of both services and data already present on the Web.
Data, produced by humans and machines, may be available in
different formats and through different access interfaces. This
paper analyses three different types of data available on the
Web and presents mechanisms for accessing and extracting this
information. The authors show several applications that leverage
extracted information in two areas of research: recommendations
of educational resources beyond content and interactive digital
TV applications.
Index Terms—Information extraction, web data processing,
semantic enrichment, data mining, web scraping.
RESENTLY, the Web hosts billons of pieces of
information of all kinds and origins. A relevant part of
this information can be freely accessed and reused. Under
these assumptions, it would be possible to collect these freely
shared pieces of information to enrich any database, that is, to
complete the information stored locally using the huge amount
of data available on the Web. This will enable software agents
to increase their knowledge from a wide range of sources
providing different points of view and levels of detail. This
way, potentially complete information may be obtained.
Section II explains different strategies for information
extraction depending on the type of source. Sources available
may be classified according to the language used to expose
this information (e.g., HTML, XML, SQL, RDF, JSON). Each
of these types of sources has been designed to satisfy a
different need (e.g., to be accessible to humans, to facilitate
the communication between applications, to facilitate data
storage). Enriching a system’s database means taking the
most of the available information sources online to complete
Manuscript received on January 7, 2014; accepted for publication on
February 28, 2014.
The authors are with Department of Telematics, University of
Vigo, Spain (e-mails: {victor.roris, Juan.Santos, carlosrivas, miguelgomez,
information stored locally. Insofar automated enrichment
is concerned, the most interesting repositories are those
specifically designed to be easily readable and interpretable by
machines, that is, those offering their information according to
a Knowledge Representation language like the ones proposed
by the Linked Open Data (LOD) initiative [1]. The reason
for that is because the enrichment process’ complexity is
dramatically reduced, and therefore its automation is greatly
simplified. On the other side, other types of sources would
need a previous translation or transformation process to
represent them according to a normalized language, such as
RDF. This latter process will require the active participation
of experts.
Section III describes the application of information
extraction techniques in the context of the iTEC project,
which is the flagship FP7 project in the education area,
financed by the Europan Comission with 12 million euros.
iTEC tries to contribute to the conception of the classroom
of the future, in which technology is complemented with the
most innovative pedagogical approaches, which entail a major
level of dynamism in the educational practice.
Section IV briefly discusses the use of information
extraction techniques in two projects that have to do with the
access to services through digital TV interfaces. The first one,
Berce TV, is a portal that enables parents to access information
on their children in early chilhood education centers. The
second one, Emprego, is a project aimed at providing an
accessible job search interface though the TV.
Finally, we give conclusions and discuss future work.
In the Internet, you can find many different sources of
information, being a lot of them available for free. The
nature of the information that you can freely access to is
very heterogeneus. From a technical point of view—and
for convenience—, we make a classification of the sources
of information by the format they use for encoding
—which many times is associated with a
particular protocol for accessing to that information. The
Some of those formats are, among others, RDF, HTML, XML, and JSON.
This idea is not new. See for instance the work in [2].
69 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044; pp. 69–75
rationale for having so many different formats for encoding
information is that each one is best suited for satisfying
a particular need. For instance, RDF is well suited to be
accessed from systems that belong to the so-called semantic
Web; whereas HTML is particularly well suited to encode
information in such a way that a Web browser is able to
understand and display it in a computer’s screen.
It becomes thus clear that, in order to populate a local
database using external sources of information, the more
semantic the source format is the less processing we need to
perform at the local side. Therefore, purely semantic sources
that share information in RDF format are by far the preferrable
ones, whereas sources that are meant to represent markup—for
presentation—are the less desirable ones, because they need
much more processing in order to squeeze them and extract
the “semantic juice” out of them. Most of the times, that task
is very labor-intensive, and no good automated procedures are
yet available.
Below, we describe the three types of sources of
information: semantic sources, highly-structured sources, and
semi-structured sources.
A. Semantic Sources
The kind of sources of information from which we most
easily can extract information are those pertaining to the
Linked Open Data (LOD) initiative. The main purpose of the
LOD project is to enrich the traditional Web by publishing
open datasets—made of data items—which include links to
data items in different datasets. Since the purpose of that
format for representing information is that it must be easily
understandable by machines, those sources are therefore very
convinient for extracting information.
In order to be compliant with Linked Open Data
conventions, information is represented in Resource De-
scription Framework (RDF) format. Despite the fact that
it was meant as a format for representing metadata, RDF
is used—in the context of LOD—for modelling general
information. The simple model for representing information
that RDF implements accounts for its success in representing
information beyond the limits of the Semantic Web
stores information as triples, which format every piece of
information as an statement composed of subject, predicate,
and object.
Information stored in RDF triples and published in public
access points is commonly accessed by using the SPARQL
query language—in fact, those public access points are
frequently called SPARQL endpoints [3]. With SPARQL
we can compose queries that are able to retrieve and
manipulate data stored in those sources that comply with LOD
In addition to those sources, there exist a number of services
that allow for launching searches on information stored in the
RDF is particularly well suited to represent information in knowledge
management applications, as it is able to represent may different and, at times
abstract, concepts.
LOD network, much like Google does with the traditional
Web. Those tools, such as Sindice [4] and SWSE [5] are very
useful and enable us to discover a lot of interesting sources of
B. Highly-structured Sources
Outside of the LOD world we can find sources of
information that, even though they do not use RDF as
their information representation format, enable us to access
information in a easily automatable way. We are referring
to Web sources that expose information that is encoded
with formats such as JSON and XML. Those are formats
that encode pure–pristine–information, not mixing it with
presentation markup. This makes the extraction process from
these sources easier than from those in, for instance, HTML.
The main difference of these sources from those belonging
to the LOD initiative is that the intended meaning of the
information exposed at the remote sites is not automatically
translatable to the meaning at the local side
. In addition to
that, RDF triples are always RDF triples, whereas two different
websites may use different strategies to encode their data, even
though both use XML as the format for data representation.
In summary, highly-structured sources—using our termi-
nology—enable us to easily retrieve information, but a
dedicated processing is necessary for each and every one
source in order to extract that information.
C. Semi-structured Sources
We call semi-structured sources to those that encode
information in such a way that it is mixed with presentation
markup. The most common of its kind are sources that
expose information that is represented in HTML—that is to
say, traditional Web pages. In order to retrieve and extract
information from a source of this type, we need to browse the
DOM tree of the page and identify concrete DOM elements
that represent particular pieces of information. That is, we need
to kind of reverse-engineering the web page in order to figure
out the mappings between presentation-related tags and their
The good news is that the DOM tree is usually nothing
else that a blur reflection of the pure information stored
in a relational database
, after having been intermingled
with presentation markup. Thus, once we get rid of all the
presentation tags, we can get the most precious pieces of
In summary, information retrieval and extraction from semi-
structured sources is more costly that from highly-structured
ones, because in addition to a dedicated processing for each
and every source we also need to reverse engineer and get rid
of a lot of uninteresting pieces of data.
Conversely, LOD conventions allow for sharing information together with
its meaning.
According to [6], most Web sites use a SQL database as their persistence
That is the alegory of data mining, to get “gold” from heaps of “dust”.
70Polibits (49) 2014 ISSN 1870-9044
Víctor M. Alonso-Rorís, Juan M. Santos Gago, Roberto Pérez Rodríguez, Carlos Rivas Costa, Miguel A. Gómez Carballa, Luis Anido Rifón
iTEC promotes an educational practice in which students
interact in small projects which include participation in events,
speeches with experts, and all that seasoned with the use of
technology. The leiv motiv of this new paradigm is “Resources
beyond Content”. Thus, in iTEC educational resources go
beyond educational content, frequently consumed in the form
of textbooks, and they include technological resources, as
well as cultural events and people who are experts on some
knowledge area.
The initial assumption was that teachers were going to
have a hard time trying to figure out which events could
have the greatest relevance among such an enormous offer.
This hypothesis was the main motivation for the design,
development, and posterior rolling out of the SDE (Scenario
Development Environment) [7], [8], which is a software
system that works as a recommender, in such as way
that a certain teacher, during the phase of preparing an
educational experience, may rely on the SDE for selecting
the most interesting events to be attended by learners during
the performance of the educational experience. The SDE’s
recommendation algorithm has several factors into account,
such as the appropriateness of the event and the proximity of
the event to the school [9].
After three years of project and more than 2000 pilots in
schools across Europe, that starting hypothesis has shown to
be wrong. That is to say, the number of events registered at the
P&E directory is not of the scale that it was supposed to be,
and thus it does not makes necessary to use a recommender.
The main reason for the low number of registered events is that
the registering process is very time consuming, in addition to
being very error-prone. In order to tackle this drawback, it was
implemented and integrated in the SDE an enrichment module,
which automatically extracts and processes huge amounts of
data coming from relevant Web sites that list applications,
events, and experts in different areas of knowledge. Figure
2 shows events that were extracted from the Web in the SDE
user interface.
A. Sources of information
All across the Internet there are a great number of websites
that offer information on applications, events, and experts. On
applications we extract information from three websites that
we find particularly interesting:
is a huge repository of information on
standalone applications. From every entry on that
repository we can extract information such as its
description, the operating system required, tags, and what
is very important: the rating from users.
is, similarly to softonic, a big database of
information about applications.
is an incredible resource for extracting
meaning about the features of an application. For
each application, AlternativeTo provides a list of
“substitutes”—applications with similar functionalities
and that may suit a similar need. This is extraordinarily
useful from the point of view of populating a
database aimed at serving as the knowledge base
of a recommender, because we can extract very
relevant information that may lead to more accurate
recommendations. As an example, AlternativeTo enables
us to extract information such as: Skype is similar to
Google Hangouts, and Firefox is similar to Chrome.
Regarding experts, two websites are the most relevant ones:
Google Scholar
is an enormous database of researchers.
From each registry we can extract very useful infor-
mation, such as the name and position of researchers.
To extract the information on their location—which
in the context of iTEC is a very important piece of
information, because experts of a near location should
gain relevance in an hypothetical recommendation—we
use an mechanism that takes as an input the position
of the researcher (which is a text string that usually
contains their affiliation) and their email address. The
email address, in most cases, enables us to get the IP
address of the expert’s institution—provided that the
institutions hosts the mail server, which is often true. The
affiliation can be processed with NLP software
to get
rid of the position and retrieve the institution, and then
geocode the institution.
is a huge social network targeted at
professionals. Unlike Google Scholar, which sorts entries
by relevance
, in LinkedIn we cannot measure the
relevance of a particular professional. In order to
overcome that difficulty—it is neither reasonable nor
efficient to replicate all the LinkedIn public entries—we
rely on Google’s relevance calculations. Let’s see that
with an example, if we want to find experts on, let’s say,
biology we look for “biology” in
Google. In this way, we get a bunch of search results
ordered by the relevance that Google assigns to those
In order to get events we need to follow a brute-force
. All across Europe there are a great number of
To that end we use the Geocoder library, which is available for the Ruby
programming language.
Google Scholar measures relevance as the number of references that
researchers gathered to all their publications.
At the time of writing, we extracted information from the following web-
sites:,, www.unesco.
org,,, www.visitportugal.
com,, (the University of Oslo), visit-hungary.
com,,,, www. (University of Algalve), (University of Porto), www. (worldwide conference registry).
71 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044
Information Extraction in Semantic, Highly-Structured, and Semi-Structured Web Sources
Fig. 1. Search results for events on “art” in the SDE user interface
websites that offer information on cultural events. Some of
them, such as the Open Education Europa
initiative, are
at a European scale. Conversely, others such as the Spain is
portal are at a lesser scale.
B. Considerations on the Information Extraction Technique
There are several factors that you need to take into account
in order to make an efficient scraping. The first one is that
the scraping process of a web site may take quite a long time,
so it should be performed as a background process. Besides,
you have to take care of not launching too many requests to a
given web server in a short time interval, because that could
be seen as a Denial of Service attack, and the web server could
block your IP.
Taking all the above into consideration, the scraping process
starts with studying the HTML layout of the involved web
pages. In order to do that efficiently we use the Firefox Firebug
The Open Education Europa portal was launched by the European
Commission as part of the Opening Up Education initiative. Its main purpose
is to provide a focal access point to European OER in different languages.
These OER are targeted to researchers, teachers, and students. According to
information provided by the portal, it has more than 38000 registered users
and receives more than 55,000 monthly visits.
The Spain is Culture portal is devoted to promote and disseminate Spanish
culture. The website presents the most outstanding of Spanish culture, and it
includes a wide range of cultural offers, such as monuments, artistic styles,
artists and places of interest. The navigation through the portal allows for
discovering cultural events going from several starting points. You can search
by a localisation, a town or autonomous region; by the historic period or
artistic style; and, besides these ones, you can also search by the type of
target audience.
extension. The list of events in the Spain is Culture portal
serves an an example of our procedure. We use Firebug for
inspecting the HTML structure of the document.The next step
is to test CSS selectors using the JavaScript console that is
embedded in Firebug, issuing some JavaScript sentences that
use jQuery.
Once we identify the concrete DOM elements that contain
relevant information
we are ready to write some Ruby code
that automates the parsing of applications, events, or experts.
To that end, we make uses of the Nokogiri
library. Nokogiri
is an open source HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser.
If we are dealing with events, once we got the venue of an
event we try to get its coordinates. To that end, we make use
of the Geocoder
gem, which issues requests to the Google
Maps API. Thus, we geolocate all the events. The following
snippet of code shows how we parse the text that represents
the address and, from that, we get the latitude and longitude
of the event using Geocoder:
1 address = event.css(’a’)[0][’href’].split("/")[3]
2 coordinates = Geocoder.coordinates(address)
3 latitude = coordinates[0]
4 longitude = coordinates[1]
We identify which element in the DOM tree contains the information on
the venue of a certain event in the Spain is Culture portal. The same matching
has to be made for each field in the detailed view—the name, the description,
the date range and so on. To ease that process, we can use the JavaScript
console to test CSS selectors in jQuery until we find the correct one.
72Polibits (49) 2014 ISSN 1870-9044
Víctor M. Alonso-Rorís, Juan M. Santos Gago, Roberto Pérez Rodríguez, Carlos Rivas Costa, Miguel A. Gómez Carballa, Luis Anido Rifón
Fig. 2. The contents displayed on the TV screen are taken from the Web portal.
One important thing to consider when extracting events is
to check if the scraped event is a new event, an update of an
existing event, or a duplicate. To that end, we build a hash
with the fields that make up an event. If the event is already
present in the database but the calculated hash is different, then
the update the fields of the event. Conversely, if the event is
already present and the hash is identical, then we discard the
scraped event because it is a duplicate. The following snippet
of code shows how to create a hash with some of the fields
that make up an event:
1 hash_event = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(name + description
+ start_date + end_date + latitude.to_s + longitude.
The filtering of duplicates is of special importance when
dealing with events. Many times, when an event is published
for the first time some of the fields might not be set yet. For
instance, the final date might not be known yet; or maybe the
venue is not fixed yet.
Visualisation of content on digital TV depends on how
digital information is presented—the same is true on
smartphones and tablets. As it can be observed in smartphones,
it is increasingly frequent to develop native applications so
that the user does not have to access contents on the cloud
through a Web browser. Following the same approach, in order
to show third-party content on a digital TV we need either
accessing an API that offers information in a structured way or
accessing directly to content in HTML format, received from
HTTP requests; HTML content is then processed in order to
obtain and structure the information that will be later shown
in the TV screen.
Regarding the way of obtaining the information that will
be displayed we can distinguish between two different models
for obtaining information: a passive one and an active one.
Those depend on the needs of the final system that we are
developing for. In the passive model, the user tells the system
which information he/she wants to visualise at the time. The
application is thus, at that very moment, in charge of obtaining
the information requested, processing and displaying it in the
TV screen—following the specifications for that information.
On the contrary, in the active model, the application is
continously retrieving information and processing it so that
it may be ready when the user demands to see it.
Following is the description of two applications that were
built on environments for digital TV, each one making use of
a different model for obtaining information.
A. BerceTV
This native application enables parents of children in
early childhood education to access the information that is
published in the Galician Portal of Early Education Schools
though their digital TVs. Thus, parents are able to access
both information of their children as well as diverse public
information that is shown in the portal.
The application acts as a middleware between the TV and
the Web portal. In this way, every action the user performs is
converted—in real time—into an HTTP request that is sent
to the portal. The information thus received is processed,
filtered, and structured so that it may be displayed in an
interface adapted to the characteristics of a TV screen. Figure 2
illustrates this process.
Since all the information is obtained in real time, this
can result on requesting redundant information such as
images. In order to improve the performance and efficiency,
the system includes a cache layer in charge of receiving
and managing multimedia information. This operating mode
prevents downloading duplicated information; besides, it keeps
the response time low, because the obtaining of multimedia
information is performed in independent threads, which avoid
73 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044
Information Extraction in Semantic, Highly-Structured, and Semi-Structured Web Sources
Fig. 3. Job offers are gathered from different sources and then displayed on the TV screen.
blocking the normal flow of the program in await for some
Besides obtaining public information that everybody can
access to, one of the main features of this application is to let
parents to access private information about their children. In
order to access that information, every parent has a username
and a password that enables them to enter the private area of
the portal. The middleware uses those credentials to emulate
the behaviour of a human person and access to the private
information requested by the user. Thus, parents can see in
their TV screen diverse information about their children, which
is uploaded by educators.
B. Emprego
This application enables users to access information on
job offers right from their TVs. One of the objectives of
this application is to facilitate job search and, therefore,
the application integrates tools for filtering search results in
accordance with users’ preferences. Figure 3 illustrates how
information extraction is used in the context of this project.
In order to being able to apply filters on a heterogeneus set
of job offers that were published in different Web portals, it is
necessary to perform a homogenization task in advance, which
entails that job offers must be available before users perform
any searches. To that end, the active model for obtaining
information is used. Thus, the system gathers information
about job offers in an autonomous way. That is to say, the
insertion, modification, and deletion of job offers is performed
in accordance with information that is retrieved periodically
from target sources.
The heterogeneity of information coming from different
sources makes necessary to define a model of basic job offer,
which is then enriched with the information obtained. All the
information gathered is stored in a central database that is
accessed by users through a Web Services API. As the system
finds and updates information, the entries in the database are
modified so that they may be acessed by digital TV clients.
This paper showed how different information extraction
techniques were used in the context of several research
In the context of the iTEC project, information extraction
is crucial for having a database of technologies, events, and
experts that is big enough to serve as the universe of things
to recommend to teachers. The strategy based on information
extraction avoids us having to delegate on personnel for
entering information about technologies, events, and experts.
In a similar way, in the context of the Emprego project,
information extraction allows us to delegate on automated
software tasks the work of entering information about job
In the context of the Berce TV project, information
extraction is used to retrieve information from the Web portal.
That information is shown to the user in a way that results
suitable for being displayed in a digital TV. This strategy
based on information extraction allows for integrating a legacy
system in a fully-functional way. In spite of not being the most
elegant solution on paper, it is an efficient one in practice,
because it allows to add a new user interface based on digital
TV without having to tweak legacy code—which would entail
a new concession contract.
Currently, we are working on a research line that has
as its objective to automatically annotation and categorise
information extracted from the Web.
The work presented in this paper was partially supported by
the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); the Gali-
cian Regional Government under agreement for funding the
Atlantic Research Center for Information and Communication
Technologies (AtlanTIC); the Spanish Government and the
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under project
TACTICA; the European Commission’s FP7 programme
project iTEC: innovative Technologies for an Engaging
Classroom (Grant no. 257566); and the Spanish Ministry
of Science and Innovation under grant “Methodologies,
74Polibits (49) 2014 ISSN 1870-9044
Víctor M. Alonso-Rorís, Juan M. Santos Gago, Roberto Pérez Rodríguez, Carlos Rivas Costa, Miguel A. Gómez Carballa, Luis Anido Rifón
Architectures and Standards for adaptive and accessible
e-learning (Adapt2Learn)” (TIN2010-21735-C02-01). The
content of this paper is the sole responsibility of its authors and
it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission,
or the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, which
are not responsible of any use that might be made of the
information contained herein.
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Information Extraction in Semantic, Highly-Structured, and Semi-Structured Web Sources